Nos sessions de 45 minutes cibleront vos problèmes et vous permettront d'obtenir les résultats souhaités. Brûlez jusqu'à 1 000 calories tout en tonifiant et raffermissant vos abdominaux, vos fessiers, vos jambes, vos cuisses, vos genoux, vos bras, votre dos et plus.
An infrared body wrap encourages detoxification of accumulated toxins and metabolic waste through sweating. It improves circulation, cleanses and tones, improves the skin’s elasticity, helps the reduction of cellulite (fatty clogged, water logged tissue), and promotes weight loss by helping to breakdown fat.
Cellulite Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below the skin. Toxins accumulate in the body during modern daily living and the body eliminates most toxins naturally by sweating butthe process is sometimes too slow. Infrared can assist this condition, as infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands that cleanse and detoxify the skin. The infrared heat technology simply speeds up the body’s naturalprocess.
Weight Loss An Infrared Body Wrap emit Far Infrared Rays and this heat therapy can aid in weight loss by speeding up the metabolic process of vital organs and endocrine glands, resulting in substantial caloric loss in one body wrap session.Sweating is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt andsubcutaneous fat.
As every individual is different, fat loss from an infrared body wrap will depend upon the physiological make-up of that person. So the greater the excess weight someone has, the faster and more dramatic results will be seen. Somepeople may not experience a great weight loss, but will see an improved body appearance by losing inches or dress sizes. Extremely physically fit people that don’t carry excess weight or inches can experience much improvedmuscle tone. The more physically active a person is, the greater the benefits that can be achieved from an infrared body wrap. A less active person may take longer to see results as their body must grow accustomed to the infraredbody wrap heat therapy.
Of course if a client who is using an infrared body wrap eats or drinks excessively, most of the results from the infrared body wrap treatment will be for not. Commons sense tells us that as with any body treatment or system to help one attain a better physical appearance, one must adjust their nutritional needs. Ideally, an infrared body wrap treatment will be most beneficial for those who stick with a balanced exercise and eating program.
Active people can expect a body reduction of at least one size in approximately 6 – 10 infrared body wrap sessions spaced 2 to 3 days apart.
Clients that lead a very sedentary lifestyle can still achieve great results, but will require a longer period of time. Again, they too must take control over their exercise and eating habits to obtain their desired results.
If a person is very physically active undertaking significant walking, jogging, working out, or competitive sports, the infrared heat therapy can be used as often as every 2 days. For best resultsit is preferable right before a workout as this will help burn the most dramatic amount of calories and also has maximum impact on body definition. With relatively physically inactive people, a minimum of 3 days between sessions isrecommended. More regular sessions are unnecessary and may actually be detrimental to results. Upon reaching the intended body shape, it is possible to revert to maintenance only schedule, which for most people, should bearound 2 – 4 times a month.
Virtually everyone from all walks of life can gain benefit from infrared heat therapy. However, sessions should not be undertaken unless clients have received their Doctor’s advice where any of the following conditions exist: Overactivity of the thyroid gland, cardiac infraction, cardiac weakness, constriction of the coronary blood vessels, market high or low blood pressure, diabetes requiring insulin treatment, disturbances to the function of the kidneys andassociated organs, fever, severe general infection, contact allergies, skin diseases, open wounds, newly acquired shingles, pregnancy, prescribed medicines causing increased sensitivity to physical stimulation (for example:antibiotics), cases of severe varicose veins.
If any doubt exists, it is recommended that clients seek their doctor’s or health practitioner’s advice.